Life Under A Starmer Government
Even The Desperate Johnson Era Will Seem A Golden Era In Comparison
Keir Starmer doubtless thought he was being exceedingly clever in recruiting Sue Gray, who compiled and led the so-called Partygate Report into partying in Downing Street during the 2020 lockdown period that heralded the beginning of the end for the beleaguered Johnson Administration during the summer of 2022.
Those of us who see through the Starmer facade however, can quickly see it’s another instance of him being too clever by half. After all this is the man who led the campaign for a “Second Referendum” on EU membership, who hawked his way round Brussels and other European capitals intent on urging the EU to be as tough and as difficult as possible with the UK in its negotiations to leave it, assuring European leaders that the 2016 Leave victory would be blocked and overturned, who spent two General Elections with a straight face urging UK voters to vote for Jeremy Corbyn to be the next Prime Minister of the UK and then on becoming Labour Party leader himself, immediately initiated proceedings to expel that same Jeremy Corbyn from the Labour Party and replace him with a new Labour candidate when the next General Election occurs.
Sadly however, not everyone can see through Starmer as definitively as the Bath publican who refused to serve him and chased him out of his pub in 2021.
So despite the shenanigans of recent days, we will still have to face up to the dreaded realty of a Starmer Government. What would life be like under such an administration? And just as important, who does Starmer regard as his priority to serve?
According to his Shadow Foreign Secretary, David Lammy, the UK will be a land of milk and honey. Britain will have the highest sustained growth in the G7, he proclaims. And that will be achieved whilst also “accelerating to Net Zero”, building an NHS fit for the future, making streets safe and breaking down barriers to opportunity.

Quite lofty, and dare I say it, contradictory aspirations. So where are the details?
Starmer’s recent trip to Davos to parley with the WEF probably yields more than a few glimpses into how life will be under a Starmer Government.
Starmer certainly made it clear that he attached far greater importance to Davos than Westminster. The Billionaires annual networking convention was preferable for him than tiresome Westminster debates or questioning. Not much chance of any deviation from the Davos agenda by Starmer then, as this short extract from a UK Column broadcast shows, allowing us to hear it from the lips of the master himself, so that nobody need be in any doubt:

No doubt, Starmer’s new friends in Davos would have been delighted to hear him declare that any new investment in North Sea gas and oil would be halted. Oil and gas had a role to play he declared, but only as part of transitioning to “net zero”. He couldn’t have been more explicit, stating when asked: “not new investment, not new fields up in the North Sea, because we need to go towards net-zero, we need to ensure that renewable energy is where we go next.”
Starmer’s Chancellor, Rachel Reeves, was also in Davos to back up his “net zero” objective. No respite then for hard pressed British gas and electricity consumers, already burdened with soaring bills just to fund attempts to keep themselves warm during the winter and enjoy their other home essentials, especially when Starmer has explicitly come out against the proposed new offshore colliery near Whitehaven in Cumbria too.
Equally, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation need have no fears of being sidelined. The next Labour Government regards them as important partners and will be only too keen to do their bidding.

Starmer’s Shadow Minister for Equalities, Anneliese Dodds, highlighted another future Labour Government priority, namely a new Racial Equality Act. Already groaning under an excess of box ticking requirements throughout all sectors of society, the next Labour Government intends to add to that burden.
Expect more and more jobs, particularly in the public and corporate sectors then, where white people are told not to apply. Expect too, more and more falling standards so that it is easier to employ the required number of box tickers, and of course yet more posts created for woke commissars to enforce it all. When once respected institutions no longer work it will not take much delving to find out why. Those already being pushed to the margins of society however, such as white, working class men will stay there as their needs and concerns hold little or no value.

The fact that none of the measures likely to be contained in a new Racial Equality Act are necessary, and that Britain is not institutionally racist, as highlighted by the recent Sewell Report, will be dismissed out of hand as it is at odds with the preconceived narrative.
Not content with that, the handing out of key government contracts to box tickers, such an abysmal disaster in South Africa, Mugabe’s Zimbabwe and failing US states such as California and Illinois, controlled by the Democrats, will also form part of the package. So if net zero absurdities don’t finish off our standards of living and quality of life, obsessive box ticking priorities are sure to.
Starmer will be very much a continuity candidate when it comes to most of the biggest issues such as the war in Ukraine and Net Zero. Forget any talk of leaving the ECHR too, a completely unthinkable act for a lawyer such as Starmer, so the immigration tap will remain firmly turned on.
We all need to remember too, that each time the Johnson Government imposed lockdown measures, Starmer’s only criticisms were that the lockdowns hadn’t happened sooner or been stricter. Indeed he also condemned as premature, each occasion when the lockdowns were lifted and wanted another one as recently as December 2021, criticising the Johnson Government as “an outlier” for not falling into line with other countries imposing such restrictions.
No doubt Starmer would sign any proposed “World Pandemic Treaty” with alacrity as he would then, in the time honoured fashion, be able to claim he was only obeying orders should the WHO demand any future lockdowns as part of any fresh pandemic or other health scare.
This is but a snapshot of the measures an incoming Starmer administration will seek to impose. Plenty of other measures, including measures further restricting free speech, under the guise of protection from online harms, are promised too as Labour shadow ministers express dissatisfaction with current measures in the pipeline.
As Peter Hitchens warned us last year, and he has a way of usually being right about these things, once Starmer is inside Number Ten we will increasingly come to regard even the period of the disastrous Boris Johnson administration as a Golden Age
And don’t rule out the vote being handed out to 16 and 17 year olds. To shore up support for an unpopular regime, it’s far easier to brainwash those with no real experience of life, those yet to have to pay their own bills, yet to maintain and support their own homes and dependents, yet to have to pay taxes, plus all the other commitments of life, before they find out too late that Socialist Utopia is a destination which is never reached.
Starmer is a king cnut.