The out-of-character behavior of this and other Western "democratic" governments is perfectly explicable if one recognises the deliberately-created and prolonged pseudopandemic for what it truly is - a Trojan horse for the Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Unfortunately, most media commentators seem content to navel gaze and fulminate over the government's "misguided" or "ill-judged" COVID policies, which are systematically transforming a cradle of freedom and democracy into a downtrodden, debt-ridden and divided police state.

One does not need to be a conspiracy theorist to take seriously plans for a massive global economic and social engineering project when they emanate from no lesser authority than the UN/World Bank/WEF triumvirate, and are relentlessly propagandized by Boris and other Western leaders singing off the same "Build Back Better" hymn sheet.

We are being deliberately sleepwalked into serfdom to a Chinese-style authoritarian state where our individual rights and freedoms will be determined - as many increasingly are already - by unelected technocrats and behavioral scientists

We need to wake up and - to quote the Bard - "Shake off this downy sleep, death's counterfeit, and look on death itself!"

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